Alum art reunion
By: Brian Stoll, Contributing Writer
Last Friday, Towson alumni gathered together to enjoy a creative Pub and Paint night at Bill Batemans Bistro.
Pub and Paint, created by Baltimore artist Brandy Star, brings art into a carefree environment available for anyone who wants to have a drink and create their very own masterpiece.
Olivia Orth, alumni reunion and social media coordinator at Towson, put together the event. Orth also coordinated other events like Oktobearfest at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
“Most of the people I see here tonight are not first timers,” Orth said. “A lot of people come back for these events because they are simply fun.”
Josh Franz, a 2012 Towson alum who earned his degree in electronic media and film, enthusiastically worked on his painting taking great care in every detail.
“I like the welcoming atmosphere at these events, especially seeing classmates you haven’t seen in a while,” Franz said.
Annelia Harvey, another Towson alum who received her degree in microbiology, had a permanent smile on her face as she brushed away on her canvas.
“I’ve come to a few Towson events, and what makes me want to keep coming back is the people and overall environment,” Harvey said.
The atmosphere at the event was lively and filled with enjoyment. Even the assistant from Pub and Paint, Jane Johnson, was having a great time while giving helpful tips to participants during the painting process, like which colors to mix or what brush to use.
“Everyone has a blast painting, everyone can follow along with the instructions given or paint whatever they feel like,” Johnson said.
The entire event was a success and participants enjoyed the painting process as well as reuniting with fellow Towson alum. Orth and the Towson University Alumni Association are currently in the works of planning new fun events available for Towson alumni and students, so stay alert for upcoming events.