Forever and always in my heart
By: Jordan Cope, Senior Editor
The day has finally come that I was dreading since the start of this academic semester: My last production day at The Towerlight.
It took me until just now to realize how much I am going to miss, what I consider to be, my home away from home.
I have been fortunate enough to be at The Towerlight all four years of my collegiate career, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of that time for anything in the entire world.
Our unbelievably talented editorial board and staff helped me to grow and hone my craft as a journalist day in and day out. For that, I am forever indebted to all of you.
And, while we take our work very seriously, there is never a dull moment on production days. The life and energy that is in our newsroom made Monday’s my favorite day of the week, something that I never thought I would say.
Above all, The Towerlight has bestowed upon me some of my best friends on the face of this Earth.
Everyone I was blessed to cross paths with in my time here will forever and always hold a special place in my heart. You’re all such beautiful, talented and amazing human beings.
Although I am incredibly sad that this chapter of my life is coming to an end, I look forward to new adventures. I know that The Towerlight won’t miss a beat, and that our other two graduating seniors, Billy and Marcus, will be amazing wherever life takes them.
To my Towerlight family that I am leaving behind, know that this isn’t goodbye. It’s a see you later. And also know that not a day will go by that I don’t think about all of the great times I’ve had in this newsroom, and how much I love each and every one of you.
With every ounce of love in my body,