How to destress after midterms
By: Cindy Ibarra, Columnist
Welcome to Healthy Minds, The Towerlight’s new mental health column! My name is Cindy and I want take you on a journey to a healthy lifestyle. As the semester starts coming to an end, us students are undergoing so much stress. A class could be challenging you, you could have a lot of things going or everything collectively could be overwhelming you. But do not fret, because I understand what you are going through.
Do not be a afraid to seek help. If you have no time to go to the university’s Health Center for destressing with a counselor or attending their meditation sessions, then you are at the right place for some quick and nice tips to live a less stressful life. So simply breathe in and tell yourself right now that things will be okay; because they will be. Stress is very common right now at this time of the semester, so here are some helpful things you can do to limit your stress:
- Exercise
Try some yoga or go for a run. It can sound like a pain, but if you really get into it and start enjoying it then you can live a fit and healthy life. In addition, this is a healthier way to relieve stress. Again, exercising is not for everyone so if you said no to this, no worries! There are other awesome options.
- Take some breaths
Sometimes you have to press the pause button and take a moment to breathe. It may seem like the obvious, but often when we are stressing, we cannot think straight. Take a minute or so to focus on your breathing so that we can calm down and avoid overwhelming yourself. This can also be practiced anywhere, and once you start it is a good habit to have.
- Keep a healthy diet
Drink a lot of water. Eat some fruits and vegetables to provide energy and power for your brain.
- Stay Positive
Make some goals and stick to them. Find a personal motivation and do not lose hope. Sometimes, life can get bad, but better days do come.