Hunting for Hooligan
By: Lauren McMillian, Contributing Writer
With the release of his new EP, senior mass communication major Hunter Warch, who goes by the pseudonym Hunter Hooligan, hopes to bring attention to Baltimore talent through his life-long passion for music.
“I could sing before I could talk, so from really early on I was really into music,” Hooligan said.
Hooligan began working in studios around Baltimore recording his music, producing for other artists and working with other producers to help them publish their playlists.
He said he decided to give himself a musical education by listening to the first records ever made: anthropological recordings of chants.
The EP he’s planning to release in two months, titled “Proof of My Youth,” has a mix of songs he’s written in his early teens and songs that he has written more recently.
“It’s ten songs that are acoustic, stripped down versions of songs I’ve written and there’s one song I wrote when I was 16,” Hooligan said. “There’s a song I wrote maybe six months ago. There’s a really huge variety of material.”
Hooligan plans to debut a video for the most recently written song on the EP called “The Least The Last The Lonely and The Lost.” He explains that jazz, blues and women in music inspire him.
“I think women in music have always been doing the most interesting things,” Hooligan said. “I think women have a really amazing perspective that gets expressed through music and I just connect with women a lot.”
Hooligan hopes that through success with his music, he can bring attention to his friends that are local artists and to Baltimore’s music scene.
“I hope that in five years I can be a part of what brings national attention to the Baltimore area music scene because there’s so much happening here that people just don’t know about, but if people did know about it I think they’d love it,” Hooligan said. “There are really amazing people here doing what they love and doing things that are different and innovative and pretty groundbreaking, but the national attention is just not here.”