It is (finally) officially sorority girl season
By: Charlotte Smith, columnist
As I’m writing, today is Sept. 22, the first day of fall. So basically, it’s sorority girl season. Basic girls unite.
Actually, I could rant all day about how “basic girl” stereotypes are sexist and annoying, but I have instead decided to embrace my inner basic girl and talk about all of the reasons that I love fall.
1. I love pumpkin spice coffee, and I AM NOT ASHAMED. Pumpkin spice frappes are a gift from God. They’re cinnamon-y, pumpkin-y joy in a cup. You don’t like them? Either you’re allergic to pumpkins or you’re lying. Next.
2. SWEATER WEATHER. Rolling out of bed and throwing on leggings, a sweater and boots is the best feeling in the world. You don’t have to shave your legs. You don’t have to make sure your toenails are painted. You barely even have to coordinate. Bless up.
3. Halloween!!!! Coming up with group costumes with your friends is so fun, and it’s the perfect excuse for a photo opp (and every sorority girl loves a good photo opp).
4. Apple cider. ‘Nuff said.
5. Nature. The pretty leaves! Pumpkin picking! Fall hikes! Not sweating every time you go outdoors!
6. CANDY CORN. Best seasonally available candy ever. Don’t @ me.
7. Cuddling in cold weather! JK, that would require me to have someone to cuddle with….Taking applications now, single boys….
8. Those pumpkin muffins that are only available in the fall at the Einstein Bagels in WV. They have cream cheese frosting. Let me say that again for the people in the back. CREAM CHEESE FROSTING.
9. Movie nights! Because let’s be real, we’re all a million percent less motivated to go out when it’s colder. And sometimes just watching movies with your best friends beats going uptown.
10. FALL COLORS. I can finally break out my all-black wardrobe and maroon lipstick without any judgment!
11. TV shows come back! All new episodes of all of your favorite shows!
12. Football — if you’re unlike me and are into that sort of thing.
13. Fall storms. I love watching the rain and knowing that it’s cold outside but I’m warm inside with my tea and cocoon of blankets. Best feeling.
14. And to top off my list, if you’ve recently joined a sorority, you now have new sisters to frolic around doing fun fall activities with!!!
Happy autumn!!!