Letter to the Editor: President Kim Schatzel on diversity
By: Kim Schatzel, Towson University President
In my first two months at TU, I have begun to familiarize myself with our community and culture, but most importantly the significant opportunities, both short term and long term, that lie ahead for our institution.
As I continue to meet with groups and individuals both on and off campus, it has become clear to me that one of TU’s greatest opportunities to advance our university, is a relentless pursuit of a diverse and inclusive campus. In providing this update, the university reaffirms its commitment toward a diverse and inclusive campus and TU’s continued progress toward The Requests of Black Students at Towson University shared last fall by a group of concerned students and their allies. Through The Towerlight, the independent student media outlet that joined the students last November, we want to share the university’s progress on The Requests. Most of this work lies within the ongoing efforts of the Academic Affairs and Student Affairs divisions, but by no means should this update be considered a complete list of the comprehensive work in diversity and inclusion underway at Towson University today.
We cannot forget that each and every division, office, department and member of our community has a role and responsibility in this university priority.
Thank you all for your commitment toward this important work. The university will continue to keep the campus updated.