New year, new names: same Towerlight

By: Sarah Rowan, Editor-in-Chief 

Hey, Towson. I’m Sarah, a sophomore journalism and Spanish double major. As of last week, I’m also editor-in-chief of The Towerlight.

It still feels weird (in a good way) to say that out loud, but I’m slowly getting used to it. 

This time last year, I remember preparing myself to take over the news section of the paper.

Although I was scared of the responsibility that running an entire section by myself would require, I knew I was prepared — I had learned from the best, after all.

I owe a lot of this to our previous editor-in-chief, Cody Boteler, and our previous senior editor, Sam Shelton, who both believed in me enough to let me have that much responsibility, even at the end of my freshman year.

When I became news editor this year, they allowed me to grow in that position to the point where I was no longer afraid of it, and that’s how I got to where I am now.

I entered Towson as an awkward, shy 18-year-old freshman, but working at The Towerlight forced me to come out of my shell a whole lot. Almost two years later, I’m still pretty darn awkward, but my experiences here have given me the confidence that it takes to hold a position like this, and I’m so excited that it’s almost impossible to put it into words.

I’m just as excited to have an amazing editorial board behind me going into the new school year in the fall.

Jordan Cope will make a killer senior editor. Marcus Dieterle has the news section under control.

The arts & life section is in good hands under McKenna Graham, and the sports section will flourish with Karuga Koinange at the wheel.

We’re also lucky to have another year with Alex Best as photo editor, and a final semester with Jordan Stephenson as arts director.

Cody did a fantastic job as editor-in-chief this year, and it’s my goal to expand on the work that he’s already started. He and Sam have left giant shoes to fill, but I know that we’ll make them proud.

I’d like us to grow in coverage and reach. I want our reporters to keep connecting with administrators, faculty, staff and students on campus, as well as local groups and leaders off campus.

We’re going to continue to hold institutions and people in power accountable for their actions. It’s not our job to antagonize anyone or anything, but, it is our duty as journalists to seek the truth and report it accurately and fairly, and that’s something we’ll never stop doing.

Most importantly, though, I want us to tell as many stories about the Towson community as possible. However, we’re a small staff, and we need your help to accomplish these goals.

You can stop by the office (UU 309) to apply to join any section of the staff. You can write a letter to the editor, send us an email or even just interact with us on social media.

But, above all else, talk to us. We’re students, too.

Tell us if there’s something happening on campus that’s worth knowing about. We want to know everything — that’s our job.

In return, we promise to do our best to be there — whether it be an event, a lecture, a concert, anything. Just let us know.

Feel free to stop by the office anytime to talk to a member of the staff about what’s happening, and we’ll try to make it work.

And, of course, you can always reach me at [email protected].

I’m excited, Towson, and I hope you are, too. Let’s make this year great.

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