Online classes to begin after spring break, with in-person classes resuming April 6
By: Bailey Hendricks, Editor-in-Chief
Distance-learning classes will begin March 23 and face-to-face classes will resume April 6, according to TU Communications.
TU sent a campus-wide email Wednesday informing the campus community of this change. This update comes a day after TU cancelled classes for March 11, 12, and 13 in advance of spring break.
“Students should not return to campus immediately following spring break,” Wednesday’s email update read.
Residence halls that are closed during spring break will reopen to students on April 4.
“Housing & Residence Life will continue to provide updates to all residential students,” according to the update.
If a student moved out of their residence hall and left something behind that they will need to complete distance-learning course requirements, staff will be available at their residence hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2020 or Friday, March 13, 2020 to assist them, according to an email sent from the department of Housing and Residence Life.
“If you left campus and did not return your key, please ensure its safe keeping and its safe return to campus with you when the halls reopen on April 4, 2020 at noon,” the HRL email said.
All university-sponsored events and gatherings hosted at TU through April 4 are suspended. This is an extension of the previously-announced March 22 date.
“This continues to be a fluid and rapidly evolving situation,” the email read. “The University may take alternative action as appropriate.”
– The Towerlight will update this article as more information becomes available.