SGA appoints nine new students to leadership team

By: Michael Olszewski, SGA reporter 

The 102nd Administration of Towson’s Student Government Association appointed nine students to leadership positions during their second General Assembly Tuesday evening. 

The SGA appointed three new senators, two departmental Directors and two committee chairs during the meeting. Additionally, a new president pro-tempore and chief justice were also established. 

The three senators, Aneme Ikpe, Damari Sedgwick and Mya Hammond, were appointed unanimously. The new senators will become voting members of SGA upon completion of their senator training.

During her appointment speech, Hammond, a sophomore, said she wants to prioritize cultivating relationships with high school students. 

“I want to focus more on the education side of everything,” Hammond said. “A lot of high schoolers right now are sitting in that place of whether I should go to college or not, and some people see it as more work. I do want to work on that and see if we can have a mentor program or expand the mentor program to other schools.” 

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SGA voted unanimously to appoint Skye Cunningham and Kamryn Brown as director of communications and director of higher education respectfully.

Following the Senate and Director confirmations, the floor was opened to Senators who wished to be nominated for the remaining positions- governmental operations chair, appropriations chair, president pro-tempore and chief justice.

Senator Chidi Nwachinemere was elected president pro-tempore, Oreofe Odusanya was elected chair of the appropriations committee and Eric Dwomoh was elected chief justice. 

“During my one year as a senator, I have come to the conclusion that there are three sole things that make a great senator: strength, independence, and vigilance,” Nwachinemere said. “I feel like I have the opportunity to not only implement but also influence and create those three values I spoke on earlier and make the SGA Senate the best it’s ever been.”

The new appointees are elected to serve for the remainder of the SGA calendar year.


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