Spoken words of love

By: Sydney Douglas, Staff Writer

The students of Voices Slam Team and Kappa Alpha Psi co-hosted an evening of erotic poetry and intimate expression at the “Language of Love” performance event Thursday night in the West Village Ballrooms.

“The goal of this event is to get people to open up about sexual desires in an open place, to get people to talk about something that happens every day,” co-host Terran Foster said. “The first time I hosted I was thrown into it and they liked me hosting it. My personality matches it. It is a positive healthy event and we are going to have it again.”

This was the third annual performance from the organizing teams that centered upon safe and consensual sex. Originally a writing workshop where attendees would learn how to write their own poetry, the event has since morphed into a poetry reading.

“I came here for support mostly, and I love poetry,” student Miyah Overton said. “I am always down for a good poetry slam.”

The night started off with the host asking people in the audience to volunteer to “paperclip,” which is a freestyle poem exercise wherein participants are given a topic and asked to freestyle.

Three members from the audience chose to paperclip and were given the words “zaddy,” “raw” and “moist” from the crowd. They were only given a few seconds to come up with poems.

“My poem was me wanting to show a woman exactly how I felt,” Morgan State University performer James Morgan said. “It was my first time performing poetry. I want to do it again. It was nerve-wracking. My advice to others is to just focus on the words and not the audience. Safe sex is great sex. Consent is sexy.”

Dimmed lights created an intimate and open atmosphere as students read poetry and smooth R&B played in the background.

“It was good,” student Caleb Taylor said. “A lot of energy, it was a humorous and goofy event to go to. They had good food, and the last performance was the best.”

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