Striving for balance

Dylan Brennan, Columnist 

Hello and welcome to, or welcome back to, Towson University! I swear, there have been too many things to talk about that happened this summer, so to not boil the frog with hot water first, let’s start out with a calm and cool-headed introduction. 

I volunteered to do what many were fearful of doing (and they’re not wrong to think that way) on the election trail — to side with the Republicans. I will state this clear as day: I am a centrist who only seeks balance in a political world.

I wear the red elephant over this column as a symbolic gesture, not an affiliation. The Democrats and the left have far too much control, and in that, are insulated in arrogance, hubris and self-righteousness. I seek to challenge that. Whether it is a ball-peen hammer on their echo chambers or a sledge hammer on their ivory towers, I seek to expose the works of the left to as much disinfecting sunlight as possible.

Know that in doing this, I am not at all “covering” for the right. They have more than their fair share of problems, debatably more than the left. However, this is talked about enough by the mainstream media or the common man.

Villains who twist their mustaches are all too easy to spot. I seek out the villains who hide under a mask of good intentions, for they are much more insidious. Activists, who label themselves as “anti-whatever” oftentimes, perhaps too often, become exactly that “whatever” they seek to oppose.

The media often overlooks impertinent details on stories and situations, if they ever look at the situation at all.  And all the while, the more we refuse to call out destructive thoughts and actions, the more those destructive thoughts and actions seem to be emboldened, or daresay normalized.

Know that it is in my best intentions to highlight, or at the very least, present problems I see on the leftist spectrum, and you may either condemn them with me or create your own conclusions.

I hope I don’t rub too many people the wrong way this year; I certainly had a lot of infighting with the last Towerlight administration during the election season.

I hope this year I can provide many tempered discussions on issues that truly should be addressed, and that we can all go back to the days when differing opinions were respected instead of vilified. Good luck this semester, everyone!

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