Take care of yourself this week

By: Meghan Hudson, Arts & Life Editor


It’s a couple weeks into the semester, and things may not be starting off quite how you planned. Maybe your classes aren’t what you thought they would be, or maybe you are having trouble making connections with your peers. Whatever the case, don’t forget about yourself. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos and confusion of the first couple of weeks, and you may forget to take care of your mind and body in the process.

I’m gonna be honest, I am guilty of this as well. I haven’t been eating right, I haven’t been practicing mindfulness, and one of my classes certainly isn’t what I expected, and that’s nerve-wracking. However, if there’s anything I’ve learned in my time here at Towson, it’s how impactful taking time for yourself truly is.

This week, I’m going to focus on what I need, and you should, too. 

Here are some great ways to decompress, reset, and get your mind, body and soul in check.

    • Practice Mindfulness. Being mindful of the things you say and do can help you feel more confident in your decisions, and less stressed about whether or not you made the right choice. You can practice mindfulness by writing down your intentions each morning, or pausing to think about how your words may be productive or harmful before making a comment or sending a text.
    • Take on assignments one at a time. This is probably one of the most important things on this list. Especially as a college student, it’s so easy to become overwhelmed, and try to take on way too many tasks at once. Take a step back, and sort out your responsibilities. Taking on your tasks one at a time is much less stressful, and much more organized.
    • Blast your favorite songs. Sometimes, all you need is a moment to forget about all your stressors, and reset your mood. Get your adrenaline pumping by grabbing a speaker, and blasting your favorite songs. Sing along, too! Post Malone just dropped a new album, why not just binge the whole thing?
    • Exercise. Getting exercise not only is great for your health and for boosting endorphins, but it can give you a sense of accomplishment, which is a great motivator to achieve more. Burdick Hall is newly renovated and has an array of equipment for working out. Additionally, Towson University offers group fitness classes like yoga and kickboxing, which are totally free to Towson students.
    • Soak in the sun. All you need is a breath of fresh air and sip of the sun to turn that frown upside down. Being in nature can help calm you down, and relax you in the midst of a long day. Take breaks to go for walks outside or sit under a nice shady tree. Freedom square has plenty of grass for sitting and even napping!
    • Journal your feelings. Write down what’s going through your mind. You may find that any anger or frustration you feel can be channeled from you to the page, and make you feel a lot better after getting it all out. Plus, it can be good to reference where your headspace is at later to view the situation more objectively after any feelings of anger or frustration has passed.
    • Do something good for someone else. Whether it be by volunteering, or giving someone a compliment, doing something good for someone else can make you feel good as well. I challenge you to pass out at least one compliment this week to a complete stranger. Maybe you’ll end up making a new friend?
    • Paint. You don’t even have to be good at it. Just dip your hands into some paint, and smear it all over a blank canvas. I mean honestly, it feels so cool, it’s really hard not to enjoy yourself. Plus, painting can be very therapeutic, which is great for de-stressing.
    • Watch a funny movie. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh. A good movie may serve as a momentary escape from what’s going on. Classics like “The Hangover,” or “Napoleon Dynamite” are bound to give you a good chuckle.




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