Teamwork makes the dream work
By: Karuga Koinange, Editor-in-Chief
What’s up, Towson? Some of you may know me as Karuga Koinange, a junior studying journalism and electronic media & film who is also the sports editor for The Towerlight.
Well in the words of the illustrious Jay-Z, “allow me to reintroduce myself.”
As of last Wednesday, I am officially the editor-in-chief of The Towerlight and let me tell you; I couldn’t be more excited.
I’ll be honest, though. Before accepting this position, I had run through this scenario in my head a number of times and was heavily doubting myself. Can you be a good leader? What happens if you make a mistake? Will you be able to handle this responsibility along with classes, a social life and being able to take care of yourself?
It sounds odd to say, but I’m happy to know that all those fears and doubts are still swirling around in my head. The reason I say that is because it’d be abnormal to not have concerns about stepping into a position of leadership.
I’d be more worried if I were calm about the situation, but the more I think about the position I’ve been put into the more excited I become to embrace this challenge because I know that I’m surrounded by a great team.
I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone more fiery and passionate about journalism than our newly appointed senior editor, Bailey Hendricks. I’ve already told her a few times, but I’m genuinely amped to see what heights we can take this newspaper to.
I could go on for days about how much potential I see in our newly appointed news editor Mary-Ellen Davis, or how quick-witted and confident our arts & life editor Kerry Ingram is, or how imaginative our art director Victoria Nicholson is or even how determined our photo editor Brendan Felch is, but I don’t want to ramble.
At the end of the day, our ultimate goal is to report the truth and provide the Towson community with a reliable news source. With such an exceedingly talented staff around me, I don’t see why we can’t accomplish those goals and much more.
With that being said, if you’d like to share your story or present us with an idea that you deem newsworthy, you are more than welcome to stop by our office in the University Union, Room 309.
And if you’d like to reach me one-on-one, you can contact me at: [email protected].