The cliffhangers at the end of a semester
By: Carley Milligan, Editor-in-Chief
Just like the end of a really fantastic Netflix original series, the end of the Fall 2015 semester has left the Towson community with a number of cliffhangers.
Will any of us be able to pass our final exams? When will the steps in the front of the Center for Arts be rebuilt? What will incoming university president, Kim Schatzel, be like, and how will she assimilate into Towson’s culture?
Will Interim President Chandler be able to keep his promise to advocate for and enact the 13 demands when he returns to his position as Provost? What will happen next with the #BlackOutTowson movement? What kind of effect will the new group the Organized Network of Student Resistance (read about it on page 10) have on campus?
Will Fetty Wap make it to campus in January? Who will be the TigerFest artist this spring? And will the men’s basketball team make it into March Madness this season?
Towson has all this and more to look forward to when we return to campus in just 48 days. I know, it doesn’t seem long enough, and for those taking minimester classes like I am, it’s going to be even shorter. But it’s still an opportunity to take at least a handful of days to sit down, regroup, rest and pat yourself on the back for making it through another semester.
Even if you have to keep working or going to classes, I encourage everyone to try and take some time to reflect on what you have accomplished this semester. And, with the New Year approaching, set a few goals for yourself for when you return.
One thing I personally hope to provide you Towerlight readers with when we return is meeting you where you are. In your classes, at club meetings and events, sporting games and campus activities and even online.
Yes, the purpose of The Towerlight is to report the news surrounding Towson’s campus and community, but it’s also to provide its readers with things that might need, or just want to know. And in order to know what you want to know, The Towerlight needs to be where you are.
We can’t do it all on our own. Just as we need to seek you out, we want you to come to us as well. Tweet at us, message us on Facebook, send in a letter to the editor about whatever it is you are feeling and get it published in print or online.
Come visit us in our office on the third floor of the University Union, room 309, and tell us about your club, new book of poetry, or amazing award you just won. Even if all you have to say is that you are having a bake sale, we want to know about it.
And most of all, contribute to our efforts. You don’t have to agree to work for a lifetime, or even a semester, but if you have any desire to write, read, talk to students, faculty and staff, take photographs or video, or design graphics or a website, we can give you an opportunity to do so. You don’t need any prior experience, and it’s an easy way to learn about your campus and get a little something to put on your resume.
So please, pick up a copy, tell your friends to read us online or in print, and sign up to receive our Towerlight Today emails Mondays through Thursdays (at thetowerlight.com/subscribe) so that you can stay up-to-date on everything happening around you.
Happy Holidays, safe travels, Happy New Year, and best of luck on your final exams tigers!