The FRIENDS Experience: The One in Washington D.C. is open!
By: Jake Shindel, Editor-in-Chief
Photo courtesy of Superfly X
The FRIENDS Experience is running in Washington D.C., from March 17 through June 5. The experience has 12 rooms and features iconic rooms such as Chandler and Joey’s apartment, Monica and Rachel’s apartment, Central Perk, the opening credits fountain, and even the iconic “PIVOT!” sofa stairwell. Whether you are a Friends superfan, or just a casual fan, the experience can be enjoyable for all.
The experience has smaller inside jokes that superfans would understand, while also having bigger picture layouts of the rooms that cater to more casual fans. You can see the hockey stick in between the handles of Joey’s entertainment center from when he and Chandler got robbed, which the superfans would remember, but enjoying the overall setup of their apartment is fun for everyone.
After watching an introduction video, attendees are then taken into the first room of the experience, the opening credits scene. Visitors can sit on the orange couch and dance in front of the fountain. None of the props or setup are from the original set, but there is an immense amount of attention to detail in each room. Original props, as well as a functioning Central Perk, can be found at the location in New York City.
In the next room, fans get to experience the scene where Ross, Rachel and Chandler are trying to move the sofa up the stairs, but it gets stuck and Ross keeps yelling “PIVOT!” You can pose with the sofa in the staircase, and pictures are allowed as well.
In between each of the major rooms, there are different posters and props. Rachel’s hairstyles are one thing to look for in between rooms, as is a large poster showing the six people’s dating lives on a timeline. You can even pose with a replica of Joey’s outfit where he put on all of Chandler’s clothes, and the window outside Central Perk with Phoebe’s guitar and case.
After the tour ends, visitors can check out the Friends retail store, but anyone can shop there, regardless of whether you actually did the experience or not.
Jamaal Orr, vice president of marketing for Superfly X, the company that created The FRIENDS Experience, said that he expects the Washington D.C. location to do really well. Lots of tourists visit D.C., so he is also expecting tourists to attend The FRIENDS Experience.
“We’re kind of in an area that has decent tourism foot traffic,” said Orr. “So, who are we also going to target? We can target tourists now.”
Another thing that Orr talked about was the discounted ticket price for students, whom he feels can strongly relate to the plot of Friends.
“The story is about six young people in their twenties that are figuring out life,” Orr said. “And it’s that point in time where your friends are like your family. So I think we can all relate to those stories. So I think, you know, come and check it out. I think it’ll be a great time for you and your friends.”
To learn more information about The FRIENDS Experience, visit their website.