‘Tis the season of change
By: Marcus Dieterle, Editor-in-Chief
Hey there, Towson. With recent changes to The Towerlight’s leadership, I figured some introductions were in order. I’m Marcus, a senior studying journalism and political science, and as of last Wednesday I’m also The Towerlight’s editor-in-chief.
I’m still letting that new title sink in.
I’ll be the first to admit that change can feel a little weird. Whether you’re starting a new major this semester, joining a new club or maybe even sitting at a new desk in The Towerlight office, doing things that are different than what you’re used to can be scary.
But change is also good. It’s how we learn, how we make mistakes and how we grow.
I got to sit behind the editor-in-chief desk for the first time today. As I looked out over the newsroom and watched my talented team hard at work, my fears were put at bay. We’re the same Towerlight family that I know and love (once a Towerlighter, always a Towerlighter). This is the same newspaper that has been, and will always be committed to providing fair and accurate news to the Towson community.
We might stumble along the way. As diligent as we are in reporting the truth, we’re human and we make mistakes. But we’re going to own up to those errors when we get something wrong, and we will learn to do better by you, Towson.
I’m confident in the continued success of the staff of this wonderful newspaper (including Bailey Hendricks, who has started in her new role as associate news editor) and our ability to produce solid journalism week after week.
So please, join us for the ride. Share your stories, your accomplishments and your frustrations (yeah, parking isn’t great). If you or someone you know has done something worth recognition, or you have a campus issue or initiative that you want to talk about, stop by our office in the University Union, Room 309.
And, of course, my inbox is always open: [email protected]
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