Towson Takes Sixth
By: Alex Toribio, Staff Writer
Towson took sixth place in the EAGL Championships meet Saturday at Pittsburgh in the Fitzgerald Field House with a score of 193.875.
The Tigers started the meet on vault and finished with a score of 48.450.
Freshman Erin Tucker was in the lineup for vault after sustaining an injury earlier this season.
“We were glad to have Erin back,” Head Coach Vicki Chliszyck said. “Her performance was clean and one the most difficult pieces for vault.”
Tucker ended up scoring her career-high of 9.700. Tucker and fellow freshman Mary Elle Arduino tied for 25th place on vault.
Following vault, Towson competed in the uneven bars in which the team totaled 48.425 points.
Sophomore Tyra McKellar received a score of 9.800 which landed her in 10th place while sophomore Noelle Harada placed in the top 20 with a score of 9.725.
Balance beam was next for the Tigers which was led by sophomore Lauren Cahalan. She tied for 10th place with a score of 9.800.
The total balance beam score was 48.075.
The last event was the Towson’s most successful as it received a score of 48.925 on floor exercises.
Freshman Aysia Sharif earned first place among the EAGL gymnasts, which helped boost the Tigers overall score.
“Aysia let it all out on the floor giving her best routine of the whole season,” Chliszyzk said.
The Tigers will now prepare for the NCAA’s announcements of the qualified gymnasts for the Regional Championship which will take place in the beginning of April.
The NCAA will release the information of who qualified Monday afternoon. Chliszyck will prepare the team members who are qualified to move on for the specific event they were chosen to perform in.
The next two weeks leading up the Regional Championships will consist of shorter practices for the gymnasts who will compete in Regionals.
“The rest of the team can’t be required to come in to practice,” Chliszyzk said. “But this is their opportunity to support their teammates and work on new skills.”
After the Regional Championship meet, the gym will be closed for two weeks. The team will continue after the two-week break with optional off-season practice for the next year.
The Towson gymnasts will be waiting for the NCAA results to come out, hoping for their names to be on the list. If not, the other teammates will be ready to support their fellow qualified gymnasts at the Regional Championship meet in early April.