TU’s COVID-19 test site moves
By: Meghan Hudson, Editor-in-Chief
The Towson University Health Center has moved its COVID-19 testing site in preparation of colder weather.
“Beginning Friday, October 30, the test center tent will be located in the lower area of Lot 6, behind the Health and Counseling Center,” the University stated in a campus-wide email. “The tent is now a heated enclosure with fresh air ventilation.”
Lot 6, the parking area located outside of the Health and Counseling Center, will continue to reserve COVID-19 testing parking spaces. Look for indicative signage.
Additionally, students, faculty and staff have been asked to repeat baseline testing in the spring, as they did entering the fall 2020 semester.
“We’re going to require baseline screening at the health center,” said TU President Kim Schatzel.
She added that return testing will not be required to any University members over the Thanksgiving break.
While the shift to sentinel testing added qualification restrictions for using the on-campus location, the site will be open for return testing.
University members previously identified to be a part of the sentinel testing pool should continue to check their email in case they are selected to participate.
“Find more guidance around testing protocols here,” the email added. “For individuals not fitting those criteria, the State of Maryland maintains a list of COVID-19 test sites in the region”