Fashion lovers, assemble! For all things fashion and beauty, Kerry’s got you covered

By: Kerry Ingram, Staff Writer

Welcome back, Towson Tigers.

For those of you who are reading this column for the very first time (whether you’re new to Towson, or just happen to have your eyeballs scanning past my column), my name is Kerry and I am The Towerlight’s fashion and beauty writer. For a short run-down about me:

– I love food.

– I’m turning the big 21 this year, yet still look like I’m about 14.

– I have the biggest obsession with baby goats.

– I’m allergic to 99.9 percent of what exists in this world.

– Did I mention I love food?

An important (and much more relevant) fact about me is that I have always had a true passion for the beauty and fashion industry and the ways it allows one to creatively express themselves.

I started Trendy Tiger last school year to promote not only that, but also the abundance of amazing styles that exists right here on Towson’s campus.

This column is here to provide you with the latest tips, tricks, news, deals and more when it comes to fashion and beauty for college students. However, this year I have decided to amp it up a notch.

Trendy Tiger is now going to be presenting “Trendy Tuesdays,” a weekly video segment on the Towerlight’s YouTube channel.

These videos will be an extension of my column posts, giving you all your fashion and beauty needs in a more visual form.

Be sure to subscribe to The Towerlight’s channel to keep up on the latest trends, events and affordable finds in order to get through this school year in style.

It is finally time to slay another school year, and I could not be more excited. If you have incredible style, are starting a new brand that you want reviewed, or just have a dying love for fashion and beauty, feel free to shoot me an email. My email address is [email protected].

Don’t be shy, I love meeting new people and seeing how creative others can be!

Here’s wishing you another trendy year at Towson.

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