Remember to love yourself, even in your layers
By: Jasper Griswold, Columnist
The days are getting colder and layers are getting piled on. For some, it’s an inconvenience – it’s harder to move, it’s stuffy… but for me, it’s a wonderful change.
If I’m wearing bulky clothing, it’s harder for people to see my curves that tell them I’m trans or cause them to assume I’m a girl. Cooler months means I can wear hoodies, and not just my sleeveless hoodie I affectionately call my “dysphoria hoodie” because I wear it when I’m feeling bad about my body.
But when everyone looks like a marshmallow, it’s harder to assume their gender and easier to appear as a gender you’re intentionally presenting as. But while it is easier to feel body positive in the winter, it’s important to love ourselves year-round.
Society paints the picture of beauty as white, cisgender, skinny, and able-bodied. But beautiful bodies exist in all shapes, colors, and forms. Being that this time is one that you may feel more confident, this is a great time to try and push your boundaries a bit.
Do you notice your wardrobe has a lot of dark colors in it? Add a pop of color. Even something simple like a different cut of shirt or a fun pattern on a jacket. Try to express yourself! But most importantly, wear what makes you comfortable and happy.
Even though this is a time we can cover up much of what society deems unattractive, that doesn’t make us go away. There are still trans people, fat people, disabled people. And we should be proud of who we are.
Long sleeves may cover blemishes, vitiligo, or scars, but would you still love yourself if someone could see? Because you should. You should look in the mirror and see someone beautiful and worthwhile, because I promise you there are people who look at you and see that.
Cooler times are coming, bundle up and take care of yourself.