TU employees receive a 4.5% cost of living pay increase

By: Caitlyn Freeman, Editor in Chief 

Towson University faculty, staff and student employees received a 4.5% Cost of Living Adjustment on Nov. 1. 

In September, Gov. Larry Hogan announced the increase for all state employees. 

“This cost of living adjustment will help state employees and their families with the challenges they face from historic inflation, and—amid the post-pandemic labor shortage—today’s actions advance our enhanced efforts to recruit and retain a talented workforce,” Hogan said in a statement

The increase will come from a multi-billion dollar surplus reported by the Board of Revenue Estimates, Hogan’s office said.

The adjustment provides Towson with funding for a pay bump for full-time employees, regular faculty and staff. However, a letter penned by President Kim Schatzel and Chief Human Resources Officer Steve Jones states the university decided to fund a 4.5% increase for all university staff not covered by the state.

This decision will cost TU approximately $2.2 million, a TU spokesperson said.

“We are grateful to Gov. Hogan, the USM Board of Regents and USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman for their support,” the letter reads. “These increases were possible because of another year marked by a multibillion-dollar state surplus, and recognize the dedication and fine work of our university faculty and staff, especially through the challenges of the last few years.” 

The university will be funding a pay bump for the following employee cohorts, as explained in the letter: 

  • Adjuncts: Those under contract for the Fall 2022 term will receive the COLA if they return under contract for the Spring 2023 term. 
    • Eligible adjuncts must have been under contract for both the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 terms. The adjustment will be effective upon the start of the Spring term contract (Jan. 30, 2023). 
  • Resident Assistants, Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants: 
    • Those under contract for both the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 terms are eligible to receive the COLA effective Nov. 1, 2022. 
  • Contingent I: Those individuals covered under an active contract on Nov. 1, 2022 will receive the COLA adjustment effective upon their next, consecutive Contingent I contract renewal. 
    • The actual effective date will vary based on the date of the contract renewal.

The pay increase will be reflected on the Nov. 23 pay date.

Editor’s note: outside of the newsroom, several members of The Towerlight’s editorial and reporting staff are student employees who are employed by the university and, by default, included in the COLA increase. However, their affiliation did not impact or influence the reporting of this story. Any questions or concerns can be directed to [email protected]


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