TU student founder of new organization
By: Grace Hebron, Staff Writer
Courtesy of Angel Green on Facebook
Towson University junior, Angel Green, is kicking off this semester by founding a new organization: The W.O.M.A.N Society, an organization that aims to uplift, educate and inspire black women. W.O.M.A.N stands for a woman who is woke, optimistic, malleable, an achiever and who is notable.
“I’ve always tried to get involved with volunteer agencies and other community programs as much as possible,” said Green.
According to Green, the W.O.M.A.N Society plans to host a range of events for students, including arts and sports events, community service opportunities, and learning expos. All of which she hopes will cultivate professionalism and techniques for success for young black women.
Green’s older sister, Treasure Doberson, described hearing of her sister’s idea to create the organization as a proud big sister moment.
“It was a way for her to use herself as an outlet to give to women like herself,” said Doberson. “When she made the idea into reality, I looked at her in awe and saw a woman that could make anything happen for herself and her community of people.”
Sophomore Jordan DeVeaux said she feels the organization could create a wonderful and much-needed network for black women on Towson’s campus.
“I believe in safe spaces, I believe in brave spaces, I believe in affinity groups,” said DeVeaux. “I just think that it’s wonderful to surround yourself with likeminded people that hold your same ideals and are on the same path.”
Creating a lasting network is what Green said she had hoped for when she founded The W.O.M.A.N Society.
“I think it’s very important for black women to network with one another and get a glimpse of how partnering with each other can get them far,” Green said.
Green shared that she also hopes to shed light on mental health in the black community. Her organization will be partnering with the Raymond Banks “A Way With Words” foundation to bring a communication health forum to Towson University next month, which Green says will feature resources related to self expression, safe havens and healthy coping mechanisms.
“I want [members] to feel like their best selves when they enter the W.O.M.A.N space,” Green said.
Like many students navigating college life, Green has had her share of setbacks.
“Even in transferring to Towson, I made a lot of mistakes that set me back financially and in school because I did not have the proper knowledge of how to handle certain situations,” she said.
Green hopes that the organization will facilitate mentorship among black women of all ages and debunk the idea that a mentor has to be someone who is older.
“It is very important to have a group of black women who do not see each other as competitors, but as contributors to each other’s success,” Green said. “I’ve come to find out that the empowering moments come from learning from sharing knowledge from those with similar experiences.”
DeVeaux said she feels that this dynamic could benefit black women on campus by creating a positive culture of mutual success.
“I think that that would eliminate the idea that ‘if I succeed, you can’t succeed,’” DeVeaux said. “It means when that I’m slipping, you can lift me up, and that when you’re slipping, I can do the same for you.”
Green hopes that joining The W.O.M.A.N Society will help members better understand themselves.
“I want them to take new risks, step outside their comfort zone, feel driven, I can’t even list all of the things I want for my members because there are so many great things I want for them,” Green said. “As black women, we are already so confined by standards that I want to generate a new type of space where we are free to be ourselves.”
The W.O.M.A.N. Society will be hosting their first two meetings on Feb. 14 and 28 in Burdick Hall, Classroom 0109 from 4 to 5 p.m.. Business-casual attire is recommended but not mandatory for the first meeting. More information can be found on the organization’s Instagram page, @TheWOMANSociety, as well as on their Involved@TU page.