TU and The Towerlight’s defining moments

Illustration by Grace Coughlan and Meghan Hudson/ The Towerlight

The following graphic is an adaptation of a graphic created for our final print edition.

A look through defining moments in Towson University and 
The Towerlight History.
1866: The Maryland State Normal 
School, Maryland's 
first teacher training 
school, officially opens. It is
led by its first principal, 
McFadden Alexander Newell. 
1915: the Maryland State Normal School begins classes on its newly acquired 80-acre campus with its newly built Administration Building (now Stephens Hall), Newell Hall and the power plant.
1921: the Oriole was established as TU's campus newspaper and released two issues in 1921. The name was a suggestion from one of the seniors at the time, Ellen Hutchinson.
1935: one year after the state decrease that teachers are now required to obtain baccalaureate degrees instead of two-year teaching certificates, the school also changed its name to Maryland State teachers college at Towson.
1960: College expand its arts and sciences programs to four year degrees and changed its name to Towson State College.
1964: enrollment booms with boomers. The college response by constructing more buildings such as the Center for the arts, the University Union and Cook library. The Towerlight moves into the University Union.
1976: the college is renamed to Towson State University and joins 10 other institutions in the newly assembled University system of Maryland in 1988.
1997: College is renamed Towson University.
2000: towerlight starts producing issues two times a week.
2007: the university signs onto the American college and universities presidents' climate commitment, pledging to become carbon neutral by 2050.
2008: Towson University signs over its rights to the Towerlight to Baltimore student media, a nonprofit publisher organized by the Towerlight staff and general manager.
2014: the Towerlight stops producing issues two times a week.
2020: the Towerlight ends regular print production with an abrupt mid semester special edition due to the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down campus.
2020: the Towerlight relocates from the University union to the enrollment services building due to the universities union expansion project.
2021: the Towerlight releases the last ever print edition of the newspaper.

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