TU continues to prioritize climate commitments during the pandemic
By: Lillian McBee, Contributing Writer Towson University (TU) remains committed to environmental sustainability during the COVID-19 pandemic by participating in...
Get on trend, be environmentally friendly!
by: Meghan Hudson, Arts & Life Editor Courtesy of Amazon.com Let’s talk about a very relevant trend to kick...
Social media helping millennial become more environmentally aware
By: Kayla Hunt, Columnist There have been various studies that examine environmental attitudes across generations. Which group is more environmentally...
Reducing your ecological footprint
By: Marcus Dieterle, Editor-in-Chief On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans celebrated the first Earth Day by advocating for environmental...
What a waste: How to improve your trash habits
By: Marcus Dieterle, Editor-in-Chief You know how the saying goes: one man’s trash is another organism’s ecological hazard. Well, something...
The dangers of climate change
By: Marcus Dieterle, Editor-in-Chief Hey, Towson! After a bit of a hiatus and a change of hands to yours truly...
TU wastes less, recycles more
By: Keri Luise, Staff Writer You’ve just polished off a pizza from Pazzelli’s Pizza in the Susquehanna food court, but...
Initiative for a cleaner world
By: Nicole Shakhnazarova, Contributing Writer Towson’s fresh-faced Student Environment Organization, a group devoted to maintaining an orchard and increasing the...
Students work to clean Towson Row stream
By: Cody Boteler, Senior Editor Over 35 students gathered Saturday morning, braving early alarm clocks and chilly weather to clean...
Let’s talk about the Earth
By: Cody Boteler, Senior Editor The climate is changing, it’s our fault and we’re screwed if we don’t do anything...