Maryland and Baltimore County election results breakdown
By Sarah Sternhagen, Editor-in-Chief Over 2.4 million people cast ballots in Maryland for the 2024 election season. All of the...
Trump was impeached, so what?
By: Abdalrahman Abou-Sar, Columnist Views expressed in opinion columns are the author’s own. President Donald Trump has been impeached again....
White House reporter encourages political civility
By: Bailey Hendricks, Assistant News Editor The path to equality starts with civil discussion among members of all sides of...
Healthcare is not a luxury, it’s a right
By: Megan Graves, Columnist “There she goes, there she goes again,” I sing to my dreams of having affordable, extensive,...
Maryland Representative Donna Edwards talks gender parity in politics
By: Sarah Rowan, News Editor Congresswoman Donna Edwards, who represents Maryland’s 4th Congressional District, said that she will vote for...