International student finds her footing at TU
By: John Mabilangan, Contributing Writer Yuqi Wan, a former Towson University English Language Center student, is now a full-time international...
Towson responds to Coronavirus risk
By: Tim Klapac, Senior Editor and Sophia Bates, Assistant News Editor Photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight On Wednesday evening,...
Towson restaurant scene expands
By: Amanda Murayama, Contributing Writer Photo by Amanda Murayama/ The Towerlight New restaurants have opened this year in Towson, including...
Brochin talks Trump; Senator discusses potential re-election
By Mary-Ellen Davis, News Editor Photo by Mary-Ellen Davis/ The Towerlight Maryland Senator Jim Brochin came to Towson last Thursday...
We really do not want a war with North Korea
By: Dylan Brennan, Columnist A few days ago, Trump allowed the military to drop another bomb -- this time on...