SGA’s October meetings in recap

By Mia Resnicow, SGA Reporter

Meeting of Oct. 1, 2024

Five new senators were appointed to the legislative branch and the executive branch.

Failed Resolutions:

Resolution #10, changing fall break to election day. Five voted for, 13 voted against with five senators not being present.

Meeting of Oct. 8, 2024

A new Associate Justice, Oluwaseyi Bello, was appointed

Meeting of Oct. 15, 2024

Reviewed Legislation:

Senate Bill #1, changing article 2 section 2 of the SGA constitution moving pro tempore election to the first General Assembly of the semester instead of during the summer. 

Senate Bill #2, changing the language in the constitution to reflect changes made last year concerning replacing the Grant Review Committee and giving those responsibilities to the Appropriations Committee. 

Senate Bill #3, changes to accountability procedures in the Ethics Handbook sections 1 to 4, and so any dismissed or impeached member can no longer come back at all instead of being to come back the semester after the next semester.

Meeting of Oct. 22, 2024

Passed Legislation:

Senate Bill #1.

Other Legislation:

Senate Bill #4 and Senate Bill #6 were reviewed. 

Meeting of Oct. 29, 2024

Passed Legislation: 

Gabriella Orellana was appointed as the First Generation and Low Income Representative (Resolution #14). The vote passed unanimously with the exception of three senators not being present. 

Senate Bill #4, updates the number of community service hours required by SGA members within Accountability and Ethics. The vote passed unanimously with the exception of three senators not being present. 

Senate Bill #6, explains the action of the motion to suspend senate rules. The vote passed unanimously with the exception of three senators not being present. 

Failed Legislation:

Senate Bill #7, to include in the preamble the words “Non-partisanship” and “impartial.” Eight senators voted for, 10 against, and four voted absent with the exception of three senators not being present.


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